10 Things you need to know when using cast iron cookware…
1. Cast iron skillets are surrounded by a lot of myth and legend.
2. When it comes to seasoning and cleaning, people have very specific expectations. To avoid having your cast iron skillet haunted by the ghosts of terrible meals past and rusting to oblivion, you should only clean it with coarse salt and a lemon wedge during the waxing moon, not on a Monday or while it’s raining, for instance.
3. Okay, so it’s not quite that random, but a lot of cast iron skillet advice differs from person to person, and the hyper-personal guidelines that some cast iron skillet enthusiasts swear by might not be appropriate for someone else’s way of life.
4. We understand why folks who love cast iron skillets are so enthusiastic about them. They are so excited about you starting your cast iron endeavors that they want to shield you from failure at all costs. However, for beginners, those stringent rules can be so scary that they give up on cast iron skillets before they’ve even begun to cook with them.
5. It’s important to remember that cast iron skillets are a lot more accessible and approachable than they appear, and they’re a lot more forgiving than your friend who yells, “don’t use soap,” gives them credit for.
6. The use of vegetable-based oils, or any oil with a high smoke point, is recommended. Whichever option you choose, it’s perfectly acceptable.
7. Animal fat will go rancid when stored for long periods of time.
8. When storing cast iron it is best to keep something between two pieces of cast iron.
9. It is best to heat cast iron slowly until the cooking temperature has been reached.
10. We prefer to use TnJ’s Organic Cast Iron Seasoning kitchen and in our restoration shop.
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