Flat top griddle and how to care for it…
Cooking with a flat top griddle like a Blackstone flat top griddle(best flat top griddle) in our opinion or any other flat-top griddle. You can quickly and easily prepare an endless supply of your favorite foods on a griddle grill. However, seasoning your griddle is a must if you want to keep it in good working order. Seasoning a griddle is a common question, but what does it actually mean? Spices aren’t the only thing you need to “season” a griddle, as you would think. Flattop cooking surfaces such as griddles can be used to generate a flavorful, non-stick coating by baking oil on the surface of the cooking surface. Every time you prepare food, you should follow this routine before you begin, not only to enhance the quality of your food, but also to protect the cooking surface from rusting. Step-by-step instructions for seasoning your indoor or outdoor griddle are provided in this article.
You will need supplies for your first time performing the seasoning process:
- A spray water bottle or a large cup of water.
- Paper towels or lint-free cloths (old tee shirts work well).
- Mild dishwashing soap.
- TnJ’s Flat Top Griddle Seasoning
- Tongs.
- Spatula or some other tool to scrap grill top.
Cleaning Before Cooking
Mild soap is required if this is your first time cleaning a griddle grill, as well as water. Clean your griddle by sprinkling it with soapy water and rinsing it thoroughly. This is to guarantee that any manufacturing or transportation debris, dust, or coatings are removed. Wash the griddle surface with fresh water after each use. This helps to loosen stuck-on food from earlier grilling sessions.
Preheat and Apply Oil…
Reheat the griddle grill to a dark brown or black color after cleaning. It should take around 10 to 20 minutes, and the goal is to get rid of any lingering oils. Turn off the burners as soon as the color changes. Make sure the entire surface is covered, including the corners. Spread the oil evenly with paper towels (held with tongs for safety) and check for any thick oil pools or dry places. After applying your oil, you should only have a very thin film of it left.
Heat and Repeat the Oiling Process…
Watch as your griddle fills with smoke after increasing the heat for around 30 minutes. The seasoning process can cause this, so don’t worry. Organic molecules are burned away, resulting in the formation of a polymer that acts as a natural nonstick coating on your griddle. The oil and heating process must be repeated at least two or three more times to assure the coating’s integrity. When the griddle plate’s surface turns a dark brown color, it’s time to remove it from the heat. It’s time to break out the burgers, steaks, eggs, bacon, or other delectable on your griddle. Flat-top griddle recipes are endless.
Cleanup Afterwards and Griddle Preservation…
Make sure the griddle is still hot when you’re done cooking and spread some water on it. Using a spatula to remove any food that has become trapped is now a breeze. Then, with your tongs, use a paper towel to remove any leftover grease and debris. Turn off the heat, let it cool, then cover outdoor griddles to keep them protected from the elements until you’re ready to use them again.
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