Wagner ware cast iron cornstick pan
Don’t just make cornbread, make cornbread that looks like actual ears of corn. This will be fun for holiday parties… You and I both know we want to stand out in the crowd and this is a great way to do that.
Cornbread stick pans have been around for over 100 years and there are 1000’s still be used and in your local antique shops in addition for sale all over the internet…
I have found that these corn stick pans are pretty common still and many of them are for sale and can be purchased for 10-15 dollars in an “as is condition”, Fully restored bring a few more dollars.
Next, they come in a variety of sizes from 5 to 9 ears of cornbread sticks. There are also cornbread rolls that do not have the impression to make them look like ears of corn just long tube-looking cornbread sticks. These are not so common which means you will not see any at your favorite antique store.
There are several manufactures that make these fun pans such as…
Lodge Company…
Birmingham Stove and Range…
Wagner Ware …
They can be found in almost every antique store you walk into. Restored and “as found” condition. However, they are a good way to start your cast-iron collection as they are inexpensive compared to other cast iron items.
For Example below are a few different styles and manufacturers of cast iron cornbread pans from a few antique stores..

The examples above are just a few of the many different types of cornbread pans available in your local antique shop. I myself started out collecting and restoring these types of pans in my early days of cast iron collection. Furthermore, it is a great way to start your collection as well as the other treasures you will find while out hunting for cast iron.
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